We want to share our new magic tool that makes it 5 times faster to create calendar entries and 100 times more fun: Agenda Hero now lets you take unstructured text and turn it into a calendar entry that you can send to yourself.

Our magic tool doesn't just turn unstructured text into a calendar entry — it can be a powerful way to organize any information you need at just the right time!
- 🔗 Links and formatting to highlight key details and make it easier to find information when you need to quickly reference it later.
- 😀 Customizable emoji to help items stand out on the calendar.
- 📝 Support to include important details in the event such as phone numbers, links, and special notes. It can provide all the information you'd want 5 minutes before the event.
- 🧠 Supports custom scheduled reminders beyond events and appointments.
Our goal is to save you time and clicks when it comes to managing your busy schedule. We'd be thrilled if you would give our magic tool a whirl!